Monday, September 10, 2012

What We ALL Must Do to Save Our Country - Part II

In order to turn our country around - continued from two posts back -

We must have . . .

5) liberals who extend their love of tolerance, open-mindedness, diversity, the Bill of Rights and government generosity to the groups many of them dislike: conservatives, Christians, heartland Americans in “flyover country”, and anyone else who dares disagree with them.
6) conservatives who possess sufficient intellectually honesty to acknowledge that a government powerful enough to impose their morality and their social conventions on the populace is big, intrusive government; the kind of government they condemn when the liberals want it.  The same strict Constitutional constructionists the conservative hallow would view a government that involves itself in personal identity, health and relationship issues as blatantly exceeding its Constitution limitations.  

7) Christians and other people of faith who practice what they preach.  Come on folks, if we showed the love, practiced the grace and forgiveness, and exercised the generosity we talk so much about, the world would contain far less of the ugliness we preach against and our government would save untold billions in social programs. In that world, people would take care of each other - young would tend to the old, child to the parent, prosperous to the poor, healed to the hurting and wise to the nascent. 

8) men who grow up!  Put that baseball cap on – bill forward – and act like an adult that values morality, intelligence, maturity, commitment and family.  Men, this country needs you to step up to the plate and be men – not namby-pamby, pasty-faced, emasculated children, but spiritually, morally, intellectually and physically strong grown-ups who are leaders in our homes, our churches and communities; who are worthy of the respect your children and your wives  so badly want to feel for you.  They want you to be their hero.  Be it!

9) women who are secure enough to state with pride they are homemakers – full-time mothers and wives, when it applies; women who won’t tolerate for a minute men who abuse them - who realize that they don’t deserve the kind of treatment that bum is giving them.  Women, our society is feeding you this line that you have to be a superwoman: a successful wife, mother, career woman, community volunteer and on and on ad nauseam.  What are you trying to prove? Who are you trying to make happy?  You don’t have to do or be all of those things to have value.  Practice balance, set priorities, value rest, look inward and discover who you really are and what you really want. Being feminine is not a weakness.  Showing a lot of skin – lowering yourself to appeal to a man who needs to see a lot of skin – is not a strength.  Young women – you want to attract a young man who respects you, who treats you with honor, who is moral and really going somewhere in life?  Then don’t go out dressed like a hooker.  

10) children who are taught to respect their elders, who are consistently disciplined, who are not allowed to run their families ragged catering to their every whim and getting them to and from three dozen practices, games, meetings and parties a week.  Children, the world is not going to revolve around you when you grow up.  It is going to be a hard place.  Even though you don’t understand or appreciate it now, your parents are doing you a great injustice by giving you everything you want; by allowing you to talk to them anyway you like; by feeding your need to “keep up with the Joneses” in terms of your clothing, your technology, your cars, your hair and your activities; by not teaching you the importance of faith in your life, of doing what is right not what is easy, and of waiting for a greater reward tomorrow instead of cheap thrills today. 

And finally . . .

11) politicians who love their country more than their political careers; who gladly cooperate with the other party if it means arriving at the best solution to a problem; whose only promise is to govern with integrity, foresight, hard work and selflessness.  Politicians, you are ruining our country with your incessant inter-party squabbling.  You are far more concerned about one-upping the competition, about maintaining your power, about setting the other side up for failure and about tearing down any president not of your own party to do our country any good.  Our democracy cannot survive much longer with your ilk in power.  Tell the American people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.  Stop tickling our ears.  Admit your faults, your past indiscretions, and learn from them.  Look me in the eye and tell me the hard truth – even when it could spell the end of your political career.  You will probably be surprised to find more often than not, it helps it.  

What group(s) would you add to my list - for parts I and II?

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