Monday, August 27, 2012

What We ALL Must Do to Save Our Country - Part I

Many people talk about what it will take to turn our country around.  The great majority of the time, their answers are so politically-correct, so “safe”, so accusatory of “them” - the other side, so based on uninformed opinion, so resistant to sacrifice and so short-term in perspective  that they are virtually worthless.  
We must be brutally honest with ourselves, we must be willing to make sacrifices and we must be dedicated to sustained efforts to achieve long-term results at the expense of short-term gratification. 
We must have . . 
1) parents who are more concerned about doing what is right for their children than being popular with them; whose focus is on loving, teaching, disciplining, and preparing their children to think for themselves and stand on their own two feet – on helping in ways that promote independence, not dependence. Our parents need to stop shielding their children from the consequences of poor behavior and poor decisions. 

2) voters who absolutely refuse to be taken in by the same old tired slogans; who refuse to accept from politicians evasive, non-answers to their questions; who demand integrity from their candidates and office holders; who believe good government is important enough and worth the time it takes to be well-informed about their country so they can make intelligent, responsible choices in the voting booth.

3) liberals and conservatives who realize that a government that can give them everything they want can take away everything they have.  Less government is best, whether that government is furthering a liberal or conservative agenda: whether that means letting us keep more of our own money so we can grow the economy or staying out of our bedrooms, living rooms, churches and doctors’ offices.

4) an entertainment industry who understands that just because the First Amendment says they can lace their TV programs and movies with profanity and filth doesn’t mean they should. When liberty taken to licentiousness descends into chaos, the people will cry for order.  The hammer strong enough to give us that order will require strict, brutal obedience.
Stay tuned for Part II in a few days! God bless you and God bless America!

1 comment:

James Henri Cook said...

Just click on "Comment" or "No Comments" to post a comment. Thanks! Jim